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Die Abkürzung Brick Steht für de Anfangsbuchstaben der vooreren fünf Mitglieder Brasilien, Russia, India, China und South-Africa. In the coming years we will go to Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirate. The trade is with a group that involves industrial nations. Other federal states are striving to achieve a Mitgliedschaft.
Russia will help the Westliche Sanktionen of Brics
At the end of October, the Heads of State and Government of the Unions attended a meeting in the Russian Millionenstadt Kasan. Kremlin chief Wladimir Putin established strong cooperation in the financial sector in the Brics-Länder. Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow dementiarte black, that’s Moskau darum gehe, with Hilfe von Brics who converts the US dollars on the world market. Everything indicates that Putin can ignore the reign of US Wahrung criticism and fear, while the Brics has an unacceptable trade and trading system on a woolen basis.
The US Wahrung influences the weltweiten of the trade war. While the einführung of another, not the Western Währung of Moskau, when the Sanctions were hit by the Western roads of the Krieges in Ukraine. Inform the Kriegs in the Western Industrial State Sanctions against Russia, specifically the Finance Sector of the Lands. So Russia is an international Zahlungsinformationsdienst Swift that has paid the dollar and the euro.
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